Software Development and SharePoint Solutions

Top-notch, customized software solutions can significantly influence your business success. Our goal is to create products that exceed your expectations.

Scalable backends

We develop potent solutions with scalable and high-performance backends – featuring transactional integration with enterprise systems. Hosting can be either on-premise or in the cloud.

Attractive frontends

Regardless of the technology – user experience is our specialty: responsive web applications, desktop applications with optimal performance, or mobile solutions with excellent usability.

Free consultation for custom software solutions

Please use our non-binding initial consultation to capture your requirements and provide an accurate and detailed offer.

Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, from developing a proof of concept to outlining an effective implementation strategy to delivering customized solutions based on SharePoint. The best part is that reaching out to us does not commit you to anything!

Schedule an appointment


We love technology. That’s why we have expertise in various areas and select the desired or best possible technology for you to establish your projects on a future-proof and robust foundation. Some of our areas of expertise include:
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft 365
Power BI
React JS
Angular JS
Azure Open AI
Azure Open AI
Node JS
Node JS

Customized software solutions are like tailored suits for your business: they fit perfectly, optimize processes, and enhance flexibility and reliability. And they don’t squeeze in the wrong places and cause problems!

We can start with incremental changes and iteratively approach the desired solution, or develop from scratch. You set the path, and we start running!

Standard solutions offer some advantages – however, they do not always cover all the specific requirements of modern businesses.

On the other hand, custom software solutions are ideally tailored to your processes, structures, and needs, unlocking the most significant digital potential.

This allows you not only to optimize your business processes in a targeted manner but also to ensure and improve the flexibility and reliability of your systems.

Schedule a free consultation now!

Our Approach

Rocketta brings your visions to life. From feasibility study to proof of concept, our team accompanies you on the journey from planning to deployment of your individual and innovative solution.

Definition of Requirements and Goals

In the first step, it’s important for us to thoroughly understand the project’s challenges, your users’ needs, and the technical requirements. Based on this foundation, we can collaboratively define the goals and requirements that the future solution must meet.

The right technologies and the most effective methodology

We establish your project on a solid technological foundation by selecting the optimal technologies for your project. Our team carefully analyzes your scenario to identify the best path to success.

Validation of your idea through a proof of concept

There’s a big difference between having a solution only on paper and in people’s minds versus being able to try and experience it. Together, we determine the most promising approach through prototyping, play with ideas, and then proceed purposefully with the actual product development.

Implementation and integration into your existing IT landscape

We develop your desired solution and integrate it into your existing IT landscape. We work closely with your IT team to ensure the new solution leads to the best possible outcome.

Whether it’s custom development, customization of your systems, or low-code platform

We advise and support you in the planning, decision-making, and execution.

When deciding between custom software development, customization of established system solutions, or using a low-code platform like the Microsoft Power Platform, you face a critical decision point. Each approach has situational advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered. Our team helps guide you through this decision-making process and find the optimal solution for your business.

Why Rocketta

Tailored solutions with top-notch security, powerful backends, and user-friendly frontends – for uniqueness, efficiency, and success in your project!

Customized Approach

We offer tailored software solutions that meet your exact requirements and ensure excellent efficiency as well as maximum success.

Information Security and Data Privacy

We provide top-level information security and GDPR-compliant data protection to safeguard your sensitive information and personal data.

Complex Solutions

Our team develops scalable and powerful backends to ensure optimal integration with your enterprise systems.

Attractiveness and User-Friendliness

We develop attractive and user-friendly user interfaces, regardless of the platform or technology.

More questions? Get more answers

Get in touch with us:

Rocketta GmbH
Kahlenbergstraße 2
45481 Mülheim an der Ruhr

0208 444-61343

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